Thursday, August 27, 2009


Applications are computer programs that let you do specific jobs.
All info gathered from This site


A text interface was all that was available in the beginning. The example below is of PKZIP, which squashes files into smaller size to save you space.

Text and menus

Improvements arrived with the addition of menus and the use of the arrow keys to move around the screen. This is much better than having to type in all the commands.

The example to the right is of a bulletin board communications program.


It is more user friendly.

The example below is from Windows 95/98. The use of drop-down menus, windows, buttons, and icons was first successfully marketed by Apple on the Macintosh computer. These ideas are now as standard for graphical interfaces as door knobs are for doors.

Other applications include

  1. Word Processing
  2. DesktopPublishing
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Database
  5. Graphics
  6. Presentations
  7. Communications
  8. Browser
  9. Web Pages
  10. Email
  11. Project Management
  12. PIM
  13. Integrated & Suites

Word Processing
application that is used most often and most widely

Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing does on the computer what used to be done with scissors and glue and other non-computer methods

application of choice for most documents that organize numbers, like budgets, financial statements, grade sheets, and sales records

collection of data that you want to manage, rearrange, and add to later

programs deal with pictures, either static or moving, flat or 3D

links together a sequence of slides containing text and graphics. A slide show might be used for a sales presentation or for training or to enhance any kind of speech.

programs temporarily connect computers to each other to exchange information

Internet browser is a program that lets you navigate the World Wide Web or view HTML pages on a CD or on your hard disk

Web Pages
To create a web page for the Internet, you must write HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) code to define what is on the page, create or acquire the images for the page, and then upload the files to a web server.

Email is superior to the traditional office memo because it uses no paper

Project Management
When you have a group of people working together on a complex project, you need a way to manage all the details

A PIM will normally include an address book, a calendar to schedule activities and appointments, and a to-do list where you list chores, calls to make, various things to do.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0

The second generation of the World Wide Web, especially the movement away from static webpages to dynamic and shareable content and social networking.

Some Examples of Web 2.0
sourced from

What is a wiki?
A wiki is a type of collaborative software program that typically allows web pages to be created and collaboratively edited using a common web browser. Websites running such programs are themselves referred to as wikis.

How are blogs and wikis the same? How are they different?
You can edit both Wikis and Blogs,
Blogs can be about anything
Wiki's are usually definitions

Who writes wikipedia? Do you think you can trust it? Why/why not?

Anyone cam add to Wikipedia so you may not be able to trust certain information

What is Flickr useful for?
For hosting your pictures that you may want to add to your Blog

What is delicious?Delicious
(formerly, pronounced "delicious") is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. The site was founded by Joshua Schachter in 2003 and acquired by Yahoo! in 2005. It has more than five million users and 150 million bookmarked URLs

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cool things you can add to your blog

You can add pictures and videos to your blog posts very easily

Just copy the pictures propeties,Click the picture icon and paste into the space provided

you can also upload pictures straight from your computer

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


What is CC?

In e-mail, a carbon copy (CC) is a copy of a note sent to an addressee other than the main addressee. A blind carbon copy (BCC) is a copy sent to an addressee that is not visible to the main and carbon copy addressees.

Where Does it come from?

The term carbon-copy derives from carbon-paper, which was, and occasionally still is, used to make copies of typewritten documents. The paper, which was originally developed so that blind people could write without the need for pen and ink, is a thin paper which is coated with a mixture of wax and pigment.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blogs are interesting..

...Because they allow you to follow friends,Make posts and write about whatever you wish, People can use these for business or leisure.